Memorandum of Understanding of the EOSC co-programmed Partnership
La European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ha recibido un estatus especial como Partenariado Europeo coprogramado. Este acuerdo de partenariado fortalecerá a EOSC con una financiación europea de casi 500 millones de euros y una contribución en especie de los socios de también 500 millones de euros. El objetivo es mejorar el almacenamiento, el intercambio y, especialmente, la combinación y la reutilización de datos de investigación a través de fronteras y disciplinas científicas.
La Asociación reúne iniciativas institucionales, nacionales y europeas e involucra a todas las partes interesadas relevantes para codiseñar y desplegar un Espacio Europeo de Datos de Investigación donde los datos sean Localizables, Accesibles, Interoperables, Reutilizables (FAIR).
Esta contribución europea mejorará las posibilidades de que los investigadores encuentren, compartan y reutilicen publicaciones, datos y software que conduzcan a nuevos conocimientos e innovaciones, una mayor productividad de la investigación y una reproducibilidad mejorada en la ciencia.
El partenariado representa una nueva gobernanza para la EOSC cuando comienza la primera fase de implementación de la EOSC. El partenariado está formado, por un lado, por la Comisión Europea y, por otro, por la recién formada Asociación EOSC. La Junta de Asociación invita a representantes de los Estados Miembros y Países Asociados organizados en el Grupo de Expertos de la comisión “EOSC Steering Board”.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) del European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
El documento Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) del European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) hace un análisis del ecosistema en el que se integra la iniciativa del EOSC, así como define prioridades y métricas relativas a su implementación. Si bien es un documento que se revisará año a año, se prevé que las líneas principales permanezcan constantes en su desarrollo. proposal for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership
Asociación EOSC+ INFO
The purpose of this document is to propose the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership based on the criteria set out in the Horizon Europe regulation (Article 8 and Annex III) and the draft Criteria Framework for European Partnerships. The proposal is a living document which is developed by the EOSC Executive Board, in close collaboration with the EOSC Governance Board and with the Commission services leading the preparation of the partnership.
Position Papers on EOSC: Insights from Regional Projects & Infrastructures
In early 2020, the EOSC Community took another crucial step on the road to the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud, as seven key EOSC-related Horizon 2020 projects signed a Collaboration Agreement in support of the EOSC Governance. The Agreement involves all the projects supported within the INFRAEOSC-05-2018-20191 call
The Agreement provides a useful framework for all parties to collaborate on a wide range of topics, in order to enhance synergies in all mutual activities related to the EOSC. The projects also agreed on a Joint Activity Plan, which will guide them towards the first iteration of EOSC. Overlaps and complementarities among projects were identified, as well as specific areas for potential cooperation, ultimately aimed at the development of a common strategy to synchronise activities with the EOSC Working Groups.
These insights feature an interesting and forward-thinking collection of position papers on EOSC compiled by the INFRAEOSC 5b projects, the subgroup specifically includes the four regional projects which cover all corners of Europe, as well as insights provided by the thematic project ExPaNDS.
Solutions for a Sustainable EOSC A tinman report from the EOSC Sustainability Working Group
Editors: Bob Jones, Claire Devereux, Henriikka Mustajoki+ INFO
This version of the document takes into account the analysis of the feedback and on-going developments by the EOSC-related projects and other Working Groups. The Strawman document presented early ideas to address the same questions and this document has been developed in the light of the consultation and feedback the Strawman document received.
We consider this a living document which will continue to evolve over the coming months and we look forward to receiving feedback from the governing bodies, contributing projects and working groups so that all the stakeholders can converge on a common way forward.